Annual Reporting Overview

About the Annual Report

All STRS Ohio employers are required to submit an annual report. This is an electronic report that lists all member contributions on compensation earned by STRS Ohio active members and reemployed retirees during the fiscal year. It also includes service credit earned by active members.

The 2023–2024 fiscal year annual report is based on compensation earned between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. All member contributions, including accrued contributions, must be reported at the 14% rate.

Your annual report must include the following information for each STRS Ohio active member and reemployed retiree employed by your school:

  • Name
  • Social Security number
  • Member type (active member or reemployed retiree)
  • Taxed contributions
  • Tax-deferred contributions
  • Service credit (active members only)
  • Accrued contributions (member contributions on compensation earned by June 30 but not paid until July and August)

Due Date — Aug. 2, 2024

Your annual report is due by Aug. 2, 2024. No extensions will be granted to the deadline. Please retain the capability to reproduce and resubmit the report in the event of equipment malfunction.

How to Submit Your Report

You can submit your annual report via Employer Self Service (ESS) or secure file upload. Use only one method to submit your report. If you would like to change the method, please contact your annual reporting representative before submitting your report.

Reports will be available in ESS on July 1. If you or your ITC uses secure file upload, refer to the annual reporting record layout for the file format.

Other Reporting Requirements

Certifying Contributions on Earnings for TPO or Union Service

If you remitted contributions to STRS Ohio during the fiscal year on compensation paid to members for TPO service, include all contributions in the annual report and submit a completed TPO Contribution Certification form via secure file upload the day you submit your annual report.

Verifying Service Credit or Accrued Contributions

After STRS Ohio processes your annual report, you may be asked to verify service credit and/or accrued contributions for some members. If your school is required to complete a service credit verification or accrued verification report, an email notification will be sent to your school’s designated contact when the report is available in ESS. See Verifying Service Credit or Accrued Contributions for more information.