Survivor Benefits

Types of Monthly Survivor Benefits

There are three types of monthly benefits available to your qualified survivors. The amount payable to qualified survivors depends on specific eligibility requirements. They are:

  1. Dependent-based benefit,
  2. Service-based benefit, and
  3. Retirement-based benefit.

Qualified survivors are automatically eligible for the calculation that provides the greater survivor benefit. Use the STRS Ohio survivor benefits calculator for estimating monthly benefits for your eligible survivors.

Qualified Survivors

It is important to understand who is eligible to receive survivor benefits. Only qualified survivors are eligible for monthly benefits assuming all other eligibility requirements for monthly benefits are met. Qualified survivors are as follows:


For dependent-based or service-based benefits, the spouse of a deceased member is a qualified survivor if the:

  • Member had 10 or more years of credit (for dependent-based benefits); or
  • Spouse cares for the deceased member’s qualified children; or
  • Spouse is at least 62 years old; or
  • Spouse is mentally or physically incapacitated.

For retirement-based benefits, the spouse of a deceased member is a qualified survivor if the member was eligible for service retirement before the date of death.


Children (including legally adopted children) of a deceased member are qualified survivors if they are:

  • Under age 22 and never married; or
  • Any age, never married, physically or mentally incapacitated before age 22 and have remained continuously incapacitated.

Dependent Parent

A parent of a deceased member is a qualified survivor if the parent is at least age 65 and received at least one-half of his or her support from the member during the 12-month period before the member’s death.

Effective Date of Benefit

For qualified survivors, benefits are effective the first of the month after the date of death unless the application is submitted more than 12 months after the date of death, then benefits are effective the first of the month after the application is received.

Dependent-Based Benefit

The dependent-based benefit is payable to qualified survivors when the member dies after meeting the following member requirements:

Existing member as of June 30, 2013

  • Has 1.50 years of qualifying service credit* before death, and
  • Earned a quarter of a year of service credit within the 30-month period preceding death, or was receiving a disability benefit at the time of death; or received a disability benefit within the last 12 months and was contributing to STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement System (SERS) at the time of death.
  • Provided the account has not been withdrawn, eligibility for dependent-based monthly benefits for qualified survivors continues for up to 27 months following the member’s last contributing service.

New member on or after July 1, 2013

  • Has 5.00 years of qualifying service credit* before death, and
  • Date of death is no more than one year from the last date of service; or was receiving a disability benefit at the time of death; or received a disability benefit within the last 12 months and was contributing to STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement System (SERS) at the time of death.
  • Provided the account has not been withdrawn, eligibility for dependent-based monthly benefits for qualified survivors continues for up to 12 months following the member’s last contributing service.

Monthly survivor benefits are determined according to the number of qualified survivors. These benefits are payable as a percentage of final average salary (FAS), which is the average of the member’s five highest fiscal years of earnings, regardless of when they occur.

Qualifying service credit includes earned credit with STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement System (SERS); restored withdrawn credit with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS; interrupted Ohio public service due to military service; and earned and restored credit that transfers from Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, Highway Patrol Retirement System or Cincinnati Retirement System.

Number of Qualified Survivors Percentage of Final Average Salary
1 25%
2 40%
3 50%
4 55%
5 or more 60%

If contributions were made for less than the FAS period, total compensation is divided by the total number of years of service in the member’s account to calculate the FAS.

The surviving spouse receives 25% of the FAS and the balance of the total survivor benefit is divided equally among the remaining qualified survivors. If there is no surviving spouse, the benefit is divided equally among the qualified survivors.

Service-Based Benefit

The service-based benefit is payable to qualified survivors when the member dies after meeting the following member requirements:

Existing member as of June 30, 2013

  • Has 20 or more years of service credit before death, and
  • Earned a quarter of a year of service credit within the 30-month period preceding death, or was receiving a disability benefit at the time of death; or received a disability benefit within the last 12 months and was contributing to STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement Systems (SERS) at the time of death.
  • Provided the account has not been withdrawn, eligibility for service-based monthly benefits for qualified survivors continues for up to 27 months following the member's last contributing service.

New member on or after July 1, 2013

  • Has 20 or more years of service credit before death, and
  • Date of death is no more than one year from the last date of service; or was receiving a disability benefit at the time of death; or received a disability benefit within the last 12 months and was contributing to STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement Systems (SERS) at the time of death.
  • Provided the account has not been withdrawn, eligibility for service-based monthly benefits for qualified survivors continues for up to 12 months following the member’s last contributing service.

Monthly survivor benefits are determined according to the number of years of service credit. These benefits are payable as a percentage of final average salary (FAS), which is the average of the member's five highest fiscal years of earnings, regardless of when they occur.

Years of Service Percentage of Final Average Salary
20 29%
21 33%
22 37%
23 41%
24 45%
25 48%
26 51%
27 54%
28 57%
29 or more 60%

Retirement-Based Benefit

The retirement-based benefit is payable when the member dies after qualifying for service retirement (but before actually retiring with STRS Ohio) and there are no children who are qualified survivors.

If there are one or more children who are qualified survivors, the primary beneficiary must select between the dependent-based and the service-based benefit. However, once the children no longer qualify for benefits (due to age or marital status, for example), the primary beneficiary may change to the retirement-based benefit.

Eligibility requirements for service retirement are:

Retirement Dates Unreduced Benefit (Minimum Age and Years of Service) Reduced Benefit (Minimum Age and Years of Service)
On or after 6/1/2024 Any age and 34 years; or age 65 and 5 years* Any age and 29 years; or age 60 and 5 years*

*Must have 5.00 years of qualifying service credit, which includes: earned credit with STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement System (SERS); restored withdrawn credit with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS; interrupted Ohio public service due to military service; and earned and restored credit that transfers from Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, Highway Patrol Retirement System or Cincinnati Retirement System.

There is no time restriction to apply for this benefit; however, some benefits will be lost if the application is received more than 12 months after the date of the member's death. If a member stops contributing and dies after meeting eligibility, a retirement-based benefit is payable to a qualified survivor.

Qualifying Survivors

The following individuals are eligible for a retirement-based benefit:

  • A surviving spouse.
  • A designated financially dependent beneficiary. To qualify for benefits, this individual must have received at least one-half of his or her support from the member during the 12-month period before the member’s death. Proof of dependency must be substantiated before benefits are paid.
  • A designated qualified child who is the member’s sole beneficiary following the termination of dependent-based or service-based survivor benefits.
  • A designated qualified parent of a deceased member who is at least age 65 and received at least one-half of his or her support from the member during the 12-month period before the member's death.

Benefit Calculation

The retirement-based benefit is determined using the service retirement benefit calculation. The benefit is calculated as if the member had actually retired and provided the maximum joint and survivor benefit to the qualified survivor. This is the Joint and Survivor Annuity option 1 without reversion plan of payment without any guaranteed period. Further information about benefit calculations and plan of payment options is available in the Service Retirement and Plans of Payment brochure.

Retirement-based Benefits Sample Estimate
Deceased member Age 59
Service credit 32 years
Spouse Age 57
Final average salary $50,000
Percentage of final average salary x 58.43%
Annual Single Life Annuity $29,215
Monthly Single Life Annuity $2,434
Percentage of Single Life Annuity* (Joint and Survivor Annuity option 1 without reversion) x 91.75%
Survivor benefit payment $2,233

*The retirement-based benefit is based on actuarial calculations; individual benefit calculations will vary.

In this example, if the deceased member also had a child who is a qualified survivor, the retirement-based benefit could not be selected. The primary beneficiary would choose between the dependent-based or service-based benefits. Once the child was no longer eligible for benefits (due to age or marital status, for example), the primary beneficiary could change from either the dependent-based or service-based benefit to the retirement-based benefit.

Partial Lump-Sum Option Plan

A Partial Lump-Sum Option Plan (PLOP) is available to retirement-based survivor benefit recipients. The PLOP allows survivors to take from six to 36 times the member’s monthly Single Life Annuity (SLA) benefit in a lump sum. The PLOP must be elected in $1,000 increments, unless the minimum or maximum amount is selected. Monthly benefits still begin with the benefit effective date and are payable for life, but they are reduced to reflect the amount taken in a lump sum. If chosen, the one-time PLOP payment will be paid 91 days after the benefit effective date or the date all necessary information is received and the benefit is finalized, whichever is later. For further information on PLOP payments, see the Survivor Benefits brochure.

Survivors receiving monthly benefits qualify for:

Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

New STRS Ohio benefit recipients are eligible to receive a COLA beginning on the fifth anniversary of their retirement date. The State Teachers Retirement Board will periodically evaluate whether a cost-of-living increase is payable in accordance with the law in effect at that time (Section 3307.67, Revised Code). If a COLA is granted, you will receive it on the anniversary of the benefit effective date.

Health Care Coverage

STRS Ohio offers medical, dental and vision coverage to eligible survivors and their eligible dependents.* Survivors receiving retirement-based benefits qualify for coverage if the member had at least 20 years of service credit on or after Aug. 1, 2023. Service credit requirements do not apply to survivors receiving dependent-based and service-based benefits. Please refer to the Health Care section of our website for eligibility requirements, plan information and monthly premiums. You can also use your Online Personal Account to review your plan options and premiums.

*The STRS Ohio Health Care Program is not guaranteed. STRS Ohio may change or discontinue all or part of the program for all or a class of eligible benefit recipients and covered dependents at any time.

Account Withdrawal in Lieu of Benefits

Eligibility Requirements

The primary beneficiary may withdraw the deceased member’s account in lieu of receiving monthly benefits if there are no children who are qualified survivors. If there are no qualified survivors and other eligibility requirements are not met, the primary beneficiary must withdraw the deceased member’s account.

If there is no spouse and only one qualified survivor age 18 or older, the survivor may forfeit rights to benefits and withdraw the account, which includes interest and 50% matching funds, if certain criteria are met. If the survivor instead takes even one monthly benefit payment and becomes eligible for the balance of the account (for example, reaches age 22), the survivor receives only the member’s contributions less any survivor benefits previously paid. No interest or 50% matching funds would be payable.

Withdrawal Amount

Account withdrawals consist of the deceased member's contributions plus an additional amount payable under Section 3307.563 of the Revised Code. The additional amount payable depends on years of qualifying service credit* and the rates of interest established by the State Teachers Retirement Board. The interest rates noted below are subject to change without notice. To confirm current interest rates, contact STRS Ohio toll-free at 888‑227‑7877.

  • With 5.00 or more years of qualifying service credit*, interest at a current rate of 3% compounded annually will be paid on the member contributions and an additional amount equal to 50% of the sum of the member contributions**, plus interest, will also be paid.
  • With at least 3.00 years but less than 5.00 years of qualifying service credit*, interest at a current rate of 3% compounded annually will be paid on the member contributions.
  • With less than 3.00 years of qualifying service credit*, interest at a current rate of 2% compounded annually will be paid on the member contributions.

    *When referring to withdrawals, “qualifying service credit” refers to Ohio teaching service, restored withdrawn credit, purchased service for Ohio public teaching from which no STRS Ohio contributions were withheld, and credit obtained for leaves of absence under Section 3307.77 of the Revised Code.

    **The additional 50% match only applies to Ohio teaching service, restored withdrawn credit to the extent the amount paid to restore the credit also includes matching funds, and credit obtained for leaves of absence under section 3307.77 of the Revised Code.

Interest for all years withdrawn begins to accrue in the fiscal year following deposit. For example, interest on 2023–2024 contributions would begin July 2024 and be payable August 2024 or later. No interest is payable if a member withdraws his or her account in July and contributed to STRS Ohio for only the year just ended. Interest stops accruing the month before account withdrawal.

The decision to withdraw the deceased member’s account must be made before receiving monthly survivor benefits. If a survivor who is receiving monthly benefits becomes ineligible for survivor benefits (because of age or death, for example), the withdrawal amount, if any, will be limited to the deceased member’s contributions less any survivor benefits previously paid. No interest or 50% matching funds would be payable.

If the member had ever received disability retirement benefits, the withdrawal amount does not include interest or 50% matching funds. The account balance is reduced by the benefits received for members who received disability retirement benefits.

Items to Consider

The following questions should be answered before deciding whether to withdraw the account or to receive monthly survivor benefits:

  • Is the monthly benefit guaranteed for life or will it terminate at a specified date?
  • Is access to health care coverage from STRS Ohio available and, if so, will eligible survivors need it?


Statutory Succession of Beneficiaries

It is important to identify beneficiaries in the case of the death of the member. The statutory succession of beneficiaries outlined below determines who is eligible to receive an account withdrawal or monthly benefits when a member dies, unless the member completed a beneficiary form to designate beneficiaries by name. The statutory succession of beneficiaries is desirable for most family circumstances.

The statutory succession of beneficiaries applies if the member:

  • Has not previously filed a valid beneficiary designation form with STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement System (SERS).
  • Has not filed a valid beneficiary designation form after any one of the following:
    • Marriage;
    • Birth or adoption of a child;
    • Divorce, marriage dissolution or legal separation;
    • Withdrawal of account; or
    • Permanent STRS Ohio retirement plan selection if a plan change was made.
  • Is not survived by a designated beneficiary.
  • Designates statutory succession.

Under statutory succession, beneficiaries qualify in the following order:

  1. Spouse
  2. Qualified children
  3. Nonqualified children (share and share alike)
  4. Dependent parent
  5. Parents (share and share alike)
  6. Estate

Designating Beneficiaries by Name

If the statutory succession of beneficiaries does not meet your needs, you may designate beneficiaries by name. You may designate or change beneficiaries through your Online Personal Account or by submitting a beneficiary designation form.

You may designate whom you wish to receive either monthly survivor benefits or a lump-sum payment of the account when you die. Designating a beneficiary by name may jeopardize monthly survivor benefits for otherwise dependent survivors, so you should be cautious about designating a beneficiary who is not a spouse or dependent child or parent.

Regardless of whether a beneficiary is determined by statutory succession or designated by name, all qualified survivors receive monthly dependent-based or service-based benefits if the member had any qualified children.

A beneficiary designated by name who does not meet eligibility for monthly survivor benefits is only eligible to receive a one-time lump-sum refund of the accumulated balance at the time of the member’s death. The accumulated account balance includes total contributions and interest and, if the member has at least 5.00 years of service credit, 50% matching funds. If multiple primary beneficiaries are designated by name they will receive only a lump-sum refund of the account, which would be shared equally unless the member submitted a designation form with the retirement system listing specified percentages for each beneficiary.

If you are also a member of either OPERS or SERS, STRS Ohio will pay according to the last beneficiary designation filed with any of the three retirement systems (STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS). Check with SERS and OPERS to determine what designation they will recognize.