Event Recording Guidelines

This Guideline outlines the procedures and requirements for individuals seeking to telecast, broadcast, photograph, stream, tape, and otherwise record any meeting, hearing, or other public event at STRS Ohio. This Guideline is designed to promote the orderly transaction of business of the retirement system while promoting openness of STRS Ohio’s public events.

This Guideline only contemplates public events. Events that are not public may have additional parameters or may totally prohibit telecasting, broadcasting, photographing, streaming, taping, or otherwise recording that event.

All equipment

All equipment shall be silent, unobstructive, self-contained, and self-powered.

All equipment shall be set up and ready for operation prior to the commencement of the event and promptly stop once the meeting has ended. In no case shall an individual be permitted to bring equipment into an event after its start unless such equipment can be easily carried by a single person without causing any distraction or disturbing others.

Any individual using any equipment contemplated under this Guideline must use the equipment in accordance with this policy and all applicable laws. Such prohibitions include, but are not limited to, recording private conversations between individuals, recording in non-public or inappropriate locations, and recording anything that would violate confidentiality.

Individuals cannot leave bags, equipment, devices, or other personal items unattended. Individuals that leave items unattended may face consequences, up to and including, confiscation of their item or removal from STRS Ohio’s premises. STRS Ohio is not responsible for any personal item, device, or equipment brought into STRS Ohio’s premises.

Compact devices

Individuals may use their personal, compact device at their designated seat so long as it does not interfere with another’s ability to see, hear or participate in the event, or impact the orderly transaction of business. Compact devices are devices that can fit into a standard-pocket that can easily be held in one hand and does not have interchangeable lenses, detachable microphones, a tripod, or through-the-lens focusing. Compact devices include a small tape recorder, cell phone, or small camera.

Other equipment and non-compact devices

STRS Ohio shall designate a reasonable area within the event location from which other equipment and non-compact devices may record. Such location shall not block necessary emergency routes, block any ingress or egress, or block or distract other’s ability to see, hear, and participate in the event.


STRS Ohio has the right to take action against any individuals violating any portion of this Guideline. Actions may include, but are not limited to, moving individuals into a less distracting location, removing individuals from STRS Ohio's property, and prohibiting violators from using any equipment or devices.