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Next benefit payment: Nov. 1
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For members enrolled in the: DB Defined Benefit Plan DC Defined Contribution Plan CO Combined Plan

Eligibility Requirements

Service retirement benefits

DB Plan

As a DB Plan member, you qualify for lifetime benefits after meeting one of the eligibility requirements indicated in the table below.

Retirement dates Unreduced benefit (minimum age and years of service) Reduced benefit (minimum age and years of service)
On or after 6/1/2024 Any age and 34 years; or age 65 and 5 years* Any age and 29 years; or age 60 and 5 years*

If you leave Ohio public service and do not withdraw your STRS Ohio account, you will be eligible to receive a benefit when you meet one of the age and service requirements listed above.

*Must have 5.00 years of qualifying service credit, which includes: earned credit with STRS Ohio, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Retirement System (SERS); restored withdrawn credit with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS; interrupted Ohio public service due to military service; and earned and restored credit that transfers from Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, Highway Patrol Retirement System or Cincinnati Retirement System.

DC Plan

As a DC Plan member, you are eligible for retirement benefits the first day of the month following the latter of:

  • Month in which you become age 50;
  • Last day of actual employment in an STRS Ohio-covered position; or
  • Month in which you apply.

CO Plan

As a CO Plan member, your effective retirement date for the defined contribution portion of your account is the first day of the month following the latter of:

  • Month in which you become age 50,
  • Last day of actual employment in an STRS Ohio-covered position, or
  • Month in which you apply.

For the defined benefit portion, your effective retirement date is the first of the month following the latter of:

  • Month in which you become age 60, or
  • Last day of actual employment in an STRS Ohio-covered position.

Disability benefits

DC Plan
Disability benefits are limited to the value of the member’s account. Members who become disabled before age 50 may elect to withdraw their account.

Disability allowance

To qualify for disability allowance benefits, an STRS Ohio member must:

  • Meet either of the following:
    • Existing members on June 30, 2013, must have at least 5.00 years of qualifying service credit* on account with STRS Ohio and submit a completed Disability Application Packet within two years of the last date of contributing service with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS.
    • New members on or after July 1, 2013, must have at least 10.00 years of qualifying service credit* on account with STRS Ohio and submit a completed Disability Application Packet within one year of the last date of contributing service with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS.
  • Not be receiving service retirement benefits.
  • Have the most service credit with STRS Ohio (versus OPERS or SERS. If OPERS or SERS has the most service credit, contact the system with the most service credit for an application packet.

Disability retirement

To qualify for disability retirement benefits, an STRS Ohio member who was an existing member on June 30, 2013, must:

  • Have at least 5.00 years of qualifying service credit* on account with STRS Ohio and submit a completed Disability Application Packet within two years of the last date of contributing service with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS.
  • Not be receiving service retirement benefits.
  • Be younger than age 60 when the disability application is filed.
  • Stop teaching before reaching age 60.
  • Have the most service credit with STRS Ohio (versus OPERS or SERS). If OPERS or SERS has the most service credit, contact the system with the most service credit for an application packet.

Survivor Benefits

DC Plan
Survivor benefits are limited to the value of the member’s account. Survivors of DC Plan members should call us at 888‑227‑7877 (toll-free) to review account withdrawal or spousal management options.

There are three types of monthly benefits available to your qualified survivors. The amount payable to qualified survivors depends on specific eligibility requirements.

Dependent-based benefit

This benefit is payable when a member dies before service retirement. Existing members as of June 30, 2013, must have at least 1.50 years of qualifying service credit* before death. New members on or after July 1, 2013, must have at least 5.00 years of qualifying service credit* before death. The benefit is based on the final average salary (FAS) and number of qualified survivors.

*Qualifying service credit includes earned credit with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS; restoration of withdrawn credit with STRS Ohio, OPERS or SERS; interrupted Ohio public service due to military service; and earned and restored credit that transfers from Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, Highway Patrol Retirement System or Cincinnati Retirement System.

Service-based benefit

This benefit is payable when a member with 20 or more years of service credit dies before service retirement. The benefit is based on the FAS and service credit.

Retirement-based benefit

This benefit is payable when a member who is eligible for retirement dies before actually retiring with STRS Ohio and there are no children who are qualified survivors. The benefit is based on the service retirement benefit calculation (age, years of service credit and FAS) in effect at the time of the member’s death.

If a member’s death occurs 27 months (for existing members as of June 30, 2013) or 12 months (for new members on or after July 1, 2013) after the member’s last contributing service and the member was not receiving a disability benefit, the retirement-based benefit plan is the only plan which allows monthly benefits to be paid to the member’s surviving spouse or a designated financially dependent beneficiary.

If a sole qualified survivor is eligible for more than one type of benefit, this survivor may elect which benefit they want to receive.

If there are one or more children who are qualified survivors, the primary beneficiary must select between the dependent-based and the service-based benefit. However, once the children no longer qualify for benefits (due to age or marital status, for example), the primary beneficiary may change to the retirement-based benefit, provided the deceased member was eligible for retirement at death.

In providing estimates, STRS Ohio will assume a qualified survivor wants to receive the benefit providing the highest monthly payment unless directed otherwise.